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Benefits of being a member of WPSA

Continual Professional Development

  • Presentations from overseas and NZ based experts on poultry and related topics
  • Discussions with peers on topical issues at WPSA meetings
  • Access to technical information presented at conferences and meetings within the members section of the WPSA website
  • Access the expertise of members specialising in a wide range of aspects relating to poultry nutrition, management and breeding

NZ Branch Membership

Currently the NZ Branch has around 100 members and these are a good mix covering all sectors of the industry. Branch activities include a national poultry conference every second year, a national poultry workshop in the intervening years and occasional seminars on topics of interest to the industry. Members receive a copy of the World’s Poultry Science Journal, published four times a year, by post. WPSA has an informative web site: Membership runs from January to December.

There are five categories of branch membership:
Individual: Any person who is, or has been, engaged in any activity connected with the poultry industry and is interested in its objectives may become a member.
Student: Bona fide poultry students may hold Student membership while they are studying at universities, or other tertiary education institutes.
Life: Individuals may become Life members through a branch in return for a once only payment.
Affiliate: Associations, societies, institutions, clubs etc. and commercial organizations connected with poultry industry activities are entitled to become Affiliated Members.
Associate: Members of the NZ Branch but not members of the World Body of the WPSA. Associate members do not receive the World’s Poultry Science Journal.

NZ Branch subscriptions are as follows (NZ $):
Individual $55.00 per year
Student $25.00 per year
Life $1500.00 one payment
Affiliate $150.00 per year
Associate $25.00 per year

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